At this point, I've got a fully automated publishing pipeline. As soon as a commit gets pushed to my blog repository, Drone jumps into action and runs a fresh Hugo build. The process is far from perfect, though. ![[Resources/attachments/obsidian-pipeline-screenshot.png]] [[Resources/attachments/obsidian-pipeline-screenshot.png]] For some reason, `audit2allow` was emitting invalid output as the result of something in my audit log. I never traced it down. Whatever was causing this wasn't related to my `drone` setup since I got everything running without fixing it. [[Resources/notes/202203261920-faerun-atropus|black moon]] ![[Resources/attachments/obsidian-pipeline-screenshot.png]] [[Resources/notes/202203261920-faerun-atropus|black moon]]![[Resources/attachments/obsidian-pipeline-screenshot.png]] ![[Resources/attachments/obsidian-pipeline-screenshot.png]][[Resources/attachments/obsidian-pipeline-screenshot.png]]